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Examples of feed additives solutions for cattle

Implementing a well-rounded feed additive solution is crucial

In this section Selko offers practical examples of feed additives that can be combined with management advice into ruminant feed additive solutions. These examples clearly illustrate that implementing a well-rounded feed additive solution is crucial.

The challenges faced by dairy farmers are often complex and diverse. Each farm deals with its own unique aspects when confronted with a particular challenge, making it difficult to establish a uniform solution. For instance, if two farms encounter a drop in dry matter intake and milk fat production due to an increase in the temperature heat index to 72, it cannot be assumed that the solution will be identical for both farms.

Moreover, the circumstances and available resources for resolving problems can vary significantly. Addressing heat stress in a low input pasture-based system for example, necessitates a distinct approach from tackling the same issue in a highly intensive farm utilizing a total TMR system

Crucially, there are only a few instances where feed additives solutions for dairy cattle alone can entirely resolve a problem. Instead, a comprehensive approach that integrates various feed additives alongside considerations of ration, feed management, barn design, herd management, and numerous other elements should be adopted.

Examples of feed additives to reduce the carbon footprint of a dairy farm

Incorporating feed additive and feed supplement strategies into a cattle feeding program can yield significant results in reducing the carbon footprint of a dairy farm. Two noteworthy examples of feed additives for cattle, Selko Fytera Balance and Selko IntelliBond, showcase their potential contributions to this cause.

Selko Fytera Balance offers a direct reduction of enteric methane emissions by as much as 8-10% 1,2,3 while simultaneously enhancing feed efficiency, resulting in a commendable 5-6% reduction in carbon footprint per kilogram of milk produced. Alternatively, Selko IntelliBond focuses on improving feed efficiency 4, resulting in a modest yet meaningful reduction of 1.5-2% in carbon footprint per kilogram of milk produced. Both feed additives operate through distinct mechanisms, making them suitable for combination in any comprehensive program aimed at minimizing the carbon footprint of dairy farms.

However, it is important to note that the utilization of these feed additives alone may not suffice to achieve the desired reductions necessary to meet the targets for carbon footprint reduction. They should therefore be included as components of a comprehensive feed additives solutions programme that encompasses genetics, enhanced transition management, measures to optimize feed efficiency, and adaptations to the ration.

Examples of feed additives to mitigate the negative effects of heat stress

Elevated environmental temperatures can have an effect on the animals, but also a negative effect on palatability and feed value of a TMR. Therefore, although strictly speaking not a feed additives example of a product with a direct effect on heat stress, it makes sense to treat a TMR with Selko TMR in case heat stress occurs. It has been shown that under heat stress conditions cows produce 1.7 kg more milk if the TMR is being treated with Selko TMR5.

Animals in heat stress, particularly those on diets with high levels of starch, often suffer from hindgut acidosis, resulting in “leaky gut”. Treatment with Selko LactiBute therefore fits very well in a feed additives solutions programme to mitigate the effects of leaky gut6 as a result of heat stress.

The combination of cooling and feeding Selko IntelliBond Z resulted in a positive impact on milk fat production. Feeding IntelliBond Z reduced systemic inflammation, but also integrity of the mammary epithelium.

These livestock feed additives examples should be combined with a programme to cool down the animals.

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Feed additives examples by Selko

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More examples of feed additives solutions


  1. Silvestre, T, Räisänen, R.S, Wasson, D.E, Cueva, S.F, Lage, C.F.A, Wall, E.H, and A. N. Hristov (2021). Effects of rumen protected botanicals on lactational performance, methane emission, and blood metabolites of dairy cows, J. Dairy Sci. 104, Suppl. 1:318.
  2. Silvestre, T, Räisänen, R.S, Cueva, S.F, Wasson, D.E, Lage, C.F.A, Martins, L.F, Wall, E.H, and A. N. Hristov (2022) Effects of a combination of Capsicum oleoresin and clove essential oil on metabolic status, lactational performance, and enteric methane emissions in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 105.
  3. Martins, L.F, Crater, S.E, Cueva, S.F, Silvestre, T, Stepanchenko, N, Wasson, D.E, Wall, E. and A. N. Hristov (2022). Effects of botanical preparations on lactational performance and enteric methane emission in dairy cows, J. Dairy Sci. 105, Suppl. 1:121.
  4. Oba, M. and M.S. Allen (1999). Evaluation of the Importance of the Digestibility of Neutral Detergent Fiber from Forage: Effects on Dry Matter Intake and Milk Yield of Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci., 99:589-596.
  5. Jansen, L. and S. van Kuijk (2023). Increase milk production by preserving the nutritional value of the dairy ration, Proc. of the 7th EAAP Congress, Lyon, August 28-September 1, abstract 41315.
  6. Sanz-Fernandez, M.V, Daniel, J, Seymour, D.J, Kvidera, S.K, Bester, Z, Doelman, J. and J. Martín-Tereso (2020). Targeting the Hindgut to Improve Health and Performance in Cattle, Animals, 10: 1817.