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Selko IntelliBond improves health, fertility, resilience and lactational performance of dairy cows

Important to know...

Several trials have shown that Selko IntelliBond improves lactational performance of dairy cattle[1,2,3,4]. Professor Jose Santos from the University of Florida conducted a comprehensive trial to evaluate the effects of Selko IntelliBond on lactational performance, health, resilience and fertility in dairy cows. This study compared the outcomes of cows fed Selko IntelliBond trace minerals with those fed conventional sulphate trace minerals over a period of time spanning from pre-calving until peak lactation.

Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Did you know?
TMR spoilage can already begin at temperatures of 21°C

In a trial at Kempenshof Ruminant Research Centre involving 120 dairy cows, Selko TMR proved to be effective in improving milk production during warm weather. While maintaining dry matter intake, cows on Selko TMR showed an increase in milk yield, particularly a 1.7 kg rise in the 5th week, and significantly higher milk solids.

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Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Selko TMR preserves TMR quality and elevates milk yield at the same time

A study revealed Selko TMR's role in TMR preservation, maintaining feed quality and enhancing milk output. By mitigating TMR spoilage and heating, it demonstrated a 0.9 kg/h/d milk production increase, highlighting its importance in feed management during cooler seasons.

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Material and methods

The trial involved two groups of dairy cows, totalling 141 animals. One group was fed Selko IntelliBond C, Z, and M and the other group sulphates. The cows were monitored from 28 days before calving until 105 days in milk (DIM), allowing for detailed observation of outcomes related to milk production, health, reproductive performance and culling.

The trial's measurements focused on several key areas:

  • Colostrum yield and quality at first milking
  • Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) production per day
  • True protein yield and true fat per day
  • Net Energy of Lactation (NEL) per kilogram of Dry Matter Intake (DMI)
  • Health indicators such morbidity, the incidence of retained placenta, metritis and lameness
  • Culling rates

Figure 1, colostrum yield at first milking, Energy Corrected Milk per day, True protein yield per day and Estimated diet Net Energy for lactation per kg of DMI, presented separately for heifers and multiparous cows.

Results, colostrum yield and lactational performance

Cows fed Selko IntelliBond had a higher colostrum yield of about 1 kg extra (p = 0.08). Average ECM production per day during the entire 105-day period was about 1.5 kg higher in the Selko IntelliBond group, this difference was highly significant with a p-value of 0.04 (See Figure 1).

Results, dairy cattle health outcomes

Health outcomes also favoured the Selko IntelliBond group, which exhibited lower rates of retained placenta and metritis and a lower morbidity (see Table 1).

Sulphate TM Selko IntelliBond
Colostum amount and quality
Heifers Multiparous Heifers Multiparous
Colostrum at 1st milking 5.54 kg 4.89 kg 7.07 kg 5.45 kg
Immunoglobulin (g/L) 106 g/L 122 g/L 108 g/L 119 g/L
Lactational performance
ECM (kg/day) 36.3 kg 47.3 kg 38.4 kg 48.1 kg
Health and resilience
Retained fetal membranes 11.5% 3.8%
Metritis 34.5% 26.4%
Morbidity 52.0% 34.2%
Survival rate at 305 DIM 77.1% 88.8%

Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Check the quality of your TMR
with a free TMR pathogen screening

Protect cow health and milk production with a complementary TMR pathogen screening worth €100. Early detection of contamination maintains herd performance. Contact us to claim your analysis.

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Dairy cattle

The trial noted a lower culling rate of dairy cattle during the first lactation for cows on the Selko IntelliBond regimen.


Feeding Selko IntelliBond resulted in increased colostrum yield and ECM production, improved health outcomes, including lower incidences of retained placenta and metritis and lower culling rates. These results are in line with the results of earlier studies carried out in dairy cows. In these earlier studies, the number of animals included was usually lower and the study period was usually shorter. As a result, differences found in earlier studies were not as highly significant compared to what was found in the current University of Florida study. The study provides strong evidence supporting the use of Selko IntelliBond hydroxy trace minerals over traditional sulphate minerals. The comprehensive benefits observed span multiple aspects of dairy production, from increased colostrum production to improved feed efficiency and lactational performance, combined with improvement of the health status and a lower culling rate. Out of the 4 factors that impact Lifetime Daily Yield, an increased number of lactations has the biggest impact, followed by the production per lactation. The results from the University of Florida trial therefore underline the beneficial impact of Selko IntelliBond on various aspects of dairy cow productivity, health and sustainability of dairy farming.


  1. Yasui, T, Ryan, C.M, Gilbert, R.O, Perryman, K.R. and T. R. Overton (2014). Effects of hydroxy trace minerals on oxidative metabolism, cytological endometritis, and performance of transition dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 97: 3728-3738.
  2. Daniel, J.B, Kvidera, S.K. and J. Martín-Tereso (2020). Total-tract digestibility and milk productivity of dairy cows as affected by trace mineral sources. J. Dairy Sci. 103 (10).
  3. Marins, T.N, Monteiro, A.P.A, Weng, X, Guo, J, Orellana Rivas, R.M, Bernard, J.K, Tomlinson, D.J, DeFrain, J.M. and S. Tao (2020). Response of lactating dairy cows fed different supplemental zinc sources with and without evaporative cooling to intramammary lipopolysaccharide infusion: metabolite and mineral profiles in blood and milk. J. An. Sci. 98(10): 1–7.
  4. Weng, X, Monteiro A.P.A, Guo, J, Li, C, Orellana, R.M, and T.N. Marins (2018). Effects of heat stress and dietary zinc source on performance and mammary epithelial integrity of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 101(3):2617-30.

Selko | solutions based on science

Increase your milk production by improving fibre digestibility

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Improving fibre digestibility to optimize performance

Feed efficiency in dairy cows can be defined as kg of Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) per kg of dry matter consumed. Feed efficiency in lactating cows can vary from <1.3 to >2.0. There are a number of factors that have an impact on feed efficiency but improving digestibility of feed can have a huge impact on feed efficiency.

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