Improve cow lifespan to increase Lifetime Daily Yield
Enhancing cow lifespan - with which we mean a cow's productive lifespan - is most crucial for improving efficiency and total milk yield on a dairy farm1,2. Increasing the average life span of a cow has more impact than increasing milk production per lactation, decreasing the age of first calving or changing the calving interval. According to Dr. Römer from the Institute of Livestock Farming of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Research Centre for Agriculture and Fisheries, cow lifespan can be increased by focusing on health and well-being of the dairy herd, which involves implementing tailored health plans for each farm to increase cow average lifespan, enabling cows to reach their genetic production potential.
What is the best way to increase milk production on a dairy farm? Extending the productive average cows lifespan through comprehensive health management and ensuring suitable living conditions. Milk production per cow can be increased in different ways, such as decreasing the age of first calving, increasing daily milk yield and prolonging the average lifespan of a cow. However, increasing the dairy cow lifespan has the biggest effect on total milk yield.