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LCA for the impact of trace mineral source on the carbon footprint of dairy feed production

Important to know...

What is the contribution of supplies to the carbon footprint of a dairy farm?

Out of the total carbon footprint of a dairy farm, about 27% is coming from on-farm supply sources. Dairy feed is an important on-farm supply. The dairy feed industry should therefore try to reduce the carbon footprint for producing the feed they supply to dairy farmers.

How can dairy feed producers reduce the carbon footprint of the feed they produce?

There are several ways a feed producer can reduce the carbon footprint of the feed they produce. One option would be to be more efficient with energy or to use renewable energy sources. Alternatively, dairy feed producers can use at the carbon footprint of the ingredients they use in their feeds.

How can feed producers find out what the carbon footprint of an ingredient is?

By asking the suppliers of these ingredients what the carbon footprint of the ingredients they supply actually is. Selko has carried out an LCA to calculate the carbon footprint of producing Selko IntelliBond. This makes Selko IntelliBond the only trace mineral source with an independent verification on the CO2eq number per mT of trace mineral produced, providing feed manufacturers with an independent verification on the CO2eq number of their trace mineral source.

Figure 1: greenhouse gas emissions of a dairy farm expressed as percentage of the total emission of a farm. 27% of methane produced on a dairy farm is related toon farm supply sources.

Dairy feed manufacturers are trying to reduce the carbon footprint of feed they produce for dairy farms

It should be no secret that a major push is underway within the dairy industry to develop products, programs and practices that will significantly reduce the CO2eq emissions of dairy cattle. While much progress has been achieved, there is still a long way to go to achieve the objectives that various governmental and consumer groups have established as obtainable targets for the carbon footprint of a dairy farm per kg of milk produced. One key finding that has emerged from this journey is that it is highly unlikely that any one product, program or practice will, by itself achieve the targeted CO2eq reduction objectives that have been set for dairy farmers. Rather, the quest to achieve a significant reduction of CO2eq emissions from dairy cows will need to be a group endeavor, with several products, programs and practices contributing to a successful outcome. Reports indicate that 27% of the total carbon footprint of a dairy farm are emissions from on-farm supply sources, including emissions from the production of feed supplied to the dairy farm (see Figure 1). Therefore, beyond the need to lower the carbon footprint of the dairy cow is the growing need of premixers and feed compounders to provide dairy producers with a total CO2eq number for the feed they are sellin.

Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Hydroxy trace minerals improve milk production, health & fertility

Several scientific trials have proven the effects of Selko Intellibond. Prof. Dr. Santos at the University of Florida has again shown great results of our Hydroxy Trace Mineral mixture for cows. Watch the videos from the latest webinar and discover how Hydroxy Trace Minerals like Selko Intellibond can increase colostrum production with 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) per cow per day and 1.4 kg ECM (3 lbs) per cow per day throughout the first 105 lactation days.

How can the carbon footprint of a dairy feed ingredient be calculated?

To assist producers of dairy feed with calculating the CO2eq emissions resulting from producing the ingredients they use within their feed, NGO and industry groups have agreed on a set of guidelines that must be used to calculate the CO2eq number of ingredients used in dairy feed. At the heart of this evaluation is a tool referred to as a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The LCA is a comprehensive template that must be completed for each proposed ingredient. Following the completion of the LCA, an independent review must be performed to ensure that the development of the LCA was completed in accordance with all approved guidelines (ISO 14040 and 14044 statues). If the information is assessed to be correct, the LCA’s outcome will be verified, providing dairy feed producers with an independent verification on the CO2eq number of a particular ingredient they use in their dariy feeds.

The LCA for the production of Selko IntelliBond

Having this number in hand allows dairy nutritionists and dairy feed producers to effectively evaluate the individual CO2eq impact of various ingredients being added to the blend, with the objective of lower the blend’s total. Having this number in hand allows dairy nutritionists and producers to effectively evaluate the individual CO2eq impact of various ingredients being added to the blend, with the objective of lower the blend’s total CO2eq, while maintaining its nutritional requirements. To assist with this growing need, an LCA which identifies the carbon footprint for each of Selko IntelliBond’s individual products was completed recently (See Figure 2). These values are specific to the Selko IntelliBond manufacturing process and will be of value to feed compounders and premixer that are working to reduce the carbon footprint of the dairy feeds they supply to dairy farmers.

Selko product CO2eq / Mt Product CO2eq / Kg Metal % Metal
Selko IntelliBond C 2.37 Mt 4.39 Kg 54%
Selko IntelliBond Z 1.94 Mt 3.53 Kg 55%
Selko IntelliBond M 2.53 Mt 5.75 Kg 44%

Figure 2, CO2 equivalents per metric ton of Selko IntelliBond produced and per kg of metal for Selko IntelliBond C, Selko IntelliBond Z and Selko IntelliBond M.

Selko IntelliBond is the first feed additive for animals that has been included in the GFLI database

The Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) has a database that holds a comprehensive collection of all animal feed ingredients for which the carbon footprint of producing the particular animal feed ingredient was calculated. It only contains datasets for animal feed ingredients that were created using LCA methodology. Its primary purpose is to provide manufacturers of animal feed a credible and transparent environmental assessment of the animal feed ingredients they use in their feeds.

All the information about the carbon footprint of animal feed ingredients that is included in the GFLI database has been validated by a team of independent experts by using a FAO-LEAP and EU-PEF compliant methodology. This methodology is built on 4 reference documents to adhere to globally standardized guidelines of the FAO and the EU. These 4 guidelines are the FAO LEAP feed guidelines (2016), the FAO LEAP feed additives guidelines (2020), the EU Feed PEF database methodology (2017), and the Feed PEFCR (2018).

The detailed information in the database can assist the industry in improving their environmental footprint. Selko IntelliBond is the first feed additive for animals that was incorporated into this database, which is a significant achievement. GFLI certification of an animal feed additive provides recognition and validation from an independent, prestigious institute. Furthermore, inclusion in the GFLI database allows the data to be accessible to a global audience that is working hard to make dairy and beef farming more sustainable.


The journey towards reaching the targets set for the dairy industry by governments, consumer groups and by dairy milk processors will not be an easy journey. A holistic approach will be required, which should include the use of dairy feed that has been produced with a minimal carbon footprint. The LCA for the 3 Selko IntelliBond products will provide producers of dairy feed with an independent verification on the CO2eq number of the trace mineral source they use in their dairy feeds.

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Knowing the impact on sustainability of the trace minerals in your feed

Feed compounders and premixers are being asked by their customers to provide the total carbon footprint of the feeds and premixes they are manufacturing. When formulators are aware of the individual carbon footprints of the ingredients being selected for inclusion within their customers’ blends, they can knowledgably select those ingredients that offer the lowest total carbon footprint. To assist with this need Selko completed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to verify the total carbon footprint of its Selko IntelliBond Copper, Zinc and Manganese trace mineral products. Selko IntelliBond trace minerals are the first sources of trace mineral nutrition with an independent verification for their total CO2eq values. The availability of these values will allow feed compounders, premixers and nutritionists to better formulate their blends to comply with their customers’ need to reduce CO2eq emissions associated with livestock production.

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