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Why does Selko IntelliBond improve rumen function, health and performance of dairy cattle?

Important to know...

Solubility and reactivity of trace mineral sources in the gastrointestinal tract of dairy cattle

Stability of a trace mineral sources under variable conditions in the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract of dairy cattle can have a great impact on palatability of feed, on feed intake1, on health2, performance3 and on lifespan of a dairy cow2. Solubility of trace mineral sources for ruminants is largely driven by chemistry (type of bond and type of structure) of the trace mineral source. Mineral suppllements for dairy cattle can contain different sources of trace mineral and will therefore differ in their impact on dairy cattle performance as a result of differences in reactivity and anatgonsim in the rumen and differences in absorbtion from the lower parts of the GI tratc of dairy cattle.

Solubility of trace mineral sources in the rumen of dairy cattle should be low.

Twenty years of independent research4,5 have consistently shown significant differences in rumen solubility between different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle (see Figure 1). High concentrations of soluble trace mineral ions can have a strong negative impact on rumen fermentation and NDF digestibility in dairy cattle6. Trace mineral ions in solution can also form insoluble complexes with essential trace minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients in a dairy ration, resulting in a reduction of bioavailability7,8,9,10 of essential nutrients. For this reason, a trace mineral source for dairy cattle that is largely insoluble in the rumen can improve rumen function, feed efficiency, health and performance of a dairy herd.

Cu concentrations influence of trace mineral source Mn concentrations influence of trace mineral source Zn concentrations influence of trace mineral source

Figure 1, Solubility of Selko IntelliBond hydroxy chloride trace mineral sources (HTM) or sulphate trace mineral sources (STM) of zinc, copper and manganese in the rumen of dairy cattle.

Trace mineral sources differ in solubility in the rumen

During a recent webinar, Professor Santos from the University of Florida discussed the results of a trial in dairy cows in which feeding Selko IntelliBond improved the transition into lactation, resulting in improvement of lactation performance2 and an increase of longevity3 of dairy cows included in the study. This difference in performance may in part be related to a difference in solubility and reactivity in the rumen between the trace mineral sources included in the trial. These differences in solubility and reactivity may result in a significant difference in rumen fermentation and NDF digestibility4,5,6.

Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Hydroxy trace minerals improve milk production, health & fertility

Several scientific trials have proven the effects of Selko Intellibond. Prof. Dr. Santos at the University of Florida has again shown great results of our Hydroxy Trace Mineral mixture for cows. Watch the videos from the latest webinar and discover how Hydroxy Trace Minerals like Selko Intellibond can increase colostrum production with 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) per cow per day and 1.4 kg ECM (3 lbs) per cow per day throughout the first 105 lactation days.

TEAC test showing differences in solubility and reactivity in neutral environment between Selko IntelliBond Z, Selko Optimin Zn and 4 alternative zinc trace mineral sources for dairy cattle. If a solution turns brown, it means that there is a high level of free metal ions present in the solution, indicating that the trace mineral source, if used in a mineral supplement for cattle, will be highly reactive in the rumen of dairy cattle

The TEAC test compares rumen solubility of trace mineral supplements for dairy cattle

The pH in the rumen of dairy cattle is neutral or slightly acidic. Selko IntelliBond hydroxy trace minerals are largely insoluble under neutral or slightly acidic conditions in the rumen compared to alternative trace mineral sources. Selko IntelliBond trace minerals are therefore less reactive in the rumen of dairy cattle.

This video shows how a TEAC tests should be executed. The TEAC test shows a clear difference between the level of reactive trace metal ions if different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle are added to a solution with a neutral pH such rumen fluid of dairy cows.

Reactivity of different trace minerals can be compared with a TEAC test. Tri-Ethyl Ammonium Chloranilate (TEAC) is a reactive agent that can bind to free trace mineral ions such as zinc ions when they are in a solution. After binding, TEAC will change the solution’s colour, from purple to brown. Adding TEAC to a mixture containing a trace mineral product will show how much soluble and thus reactive mineral is in a solution, giving an indication of reactivity of the product in the rumen of dairy cows. TEAC testing of different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle has proven that they can differ greatly when it comes to solubility in neutral environments like the rumen of dairy cattle (see video). The test results indicate that Selko IntelliBond hydroxy chloride trace minerals are less reactive in the rumen compared to trace mineral sources in competitor mineral supplements for cattle.

Figure 2: Apparent Organic Mass Disappearance (aOMD) in rumen fluid of dairy cows treated with different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle in a Fermentrics system, expressed as a percentage compared to rumen fluid without a trace mineral source. (OHTM = competitor hydroxy trace mineral).

Differences in reactivity of trace mineral sources in the rumen have an impact on rumen fermentation

Apparent Organic Mass Disappearance (aOMD)

To better understand what effects different sources of trace minerals can have on rumen microbes of dairy catttle, two fermentation trials11,12 were performed with the Fermentrics system. A rumen sample was collected from a cow and used in an in-vitro fermentation system to determine the fermentation efficiency of the microbes present. A TMR substrate was added to this system first, after which different sources of trace minerals were added and compared to a control with no trace minerals added. All rumen fluid samples were subsequently incubated at 39.5°C for a 48-h period. The efficiency of fermentation was measured by apparent organic matter disappearance (aOMD) and apparent microbial biomass production (aMBP).

Figure 3: Apparent Microbial Biomass Production (aMBP) in rumen fluid of dairy cows treated with different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle in a Fermentrics system, expressed as a percentage compared to rumen fluid without a trace mineral source. (OHTM = competitor hydroxy trace mineral). Adding Selko IntelliBond hydroxy chloride trace minerals to the rumen fluid resulted in an improvement of microbial fermentation of TMR, whereas adding sulfate sources of trace mineral or adding a competitor hydroxy chloride trace mineral source resulted in a reduction of microbial fermentation of TMR>

Apparent Microbial Biomass Production (aMBP)

The aOMD and aMBP of Selko IntelliBond were compared with a competitor hydroxy trace mineral source for dairy cattle and with a sulphate trace mineral source. Adding Selko IntelliBond did not have a negative effect on rumen fermentation efficiency. The addition of sulphate trace mineral sources however did result in a reduction of aOMD and aMBP, as did the addition of a competitor hydroxy trace mineral source (see Figures 2 and 4). These results prove that the structure of Selko IntelliBond is unique and different from other hydroxy trace mineral sources for dairy cattle. This unique structure provides protection to the rumen microbes against the reactive mineral.

Figure 4: TEAC test showing differences in solubility and reactivity in neutral environment between Selko IntelliBond Z, Selko Optimin Zn and 4 alternative trace mineral sources for dairy cattle.

Solubility in the lower GI tract ensures bioavailability of trace mineral sources for dairy cattle

The pH in the abomasum of dairy cows is low, usually around 2.5 – 3.0. Once a trace mineral source reaches the abomasum, it needs to become soluble for the mineral to become available for the animal to use. Considering that absorption takes place predominantly in the duodenum and jejunum, it is critical that the mineral becomes soluble once it reaches the abomasum of dairy cattle. At the lower pH within the abomasum, Selko trace minerals become soluble, releasing complexed metals layer by layer, like a lollipop. This ensured a gradual release of metal ions into the abomasum, duodenum and jejunum of dairy cows.

Other hydroxy trace mineral sources might behave differently under low pH conditions, clumping together and hence not having that ideal release profile. A solubility test comparing solubility in acid environment of different hydroxy trace mineral sources for dairy cattle shows that not all hydroxy trace minerals are similar in their behaviour. This resuls in a difference in bioavailability of different trace mineral sources, resulting in a difference in feed efficiency and dairy cattle performance2,3.

Relative bioavailability of different trace mineral sources for dairy cattle

Antagonism within the rumen of dairy cattle can result in the formation of insoluble complexes. Differences in solubility and reactivity of trace mineral sources within the rumen can result in differences in the risk for antagonism. Differences in solubility in the abomasum and lower GI tract between trace mineral sources for cattle can result in differences in absorption of trace metals. Several studies7,8,9,10 have shown that relative bioavailability of Selko IntelliBond trace minerals compared to other trace mineral sources used in mineral supplements for cattle is high (see Figure 5).

selko-intelliopt solubility relative bioavailability 98 day depletion selko-intelliopt solubility relative bioavailability 14 day depletion

Figure 5: Relative bioavailability of Selko IntelliBond copper and zinc hydroxy trace minerals for dairy cattle compared to sulfate trace minerals for dairy cattle.

Differences in reactivity and solubility of trace mineral sources have an impact on dairy health and performance

The TEAC test shows that in contrast to most alternative sources of trace minerals, Selko IntelliBond hydroxy trace minerals are largely insoluble in the rumen of dairy cattle, making them less reactive. This reduces the risk of antagonism or a negative impact on rumen function7,8,9,10. Fermentrics trials11,12 in which aOMD and aMBP of Selko IntelliBond were compared to aOMD and aMBP of competitor hydroxy trace mineral sources for dairy cattle confirm that Selko IntelliBond hydroxytrace mineral sources imperove rumen function, which will result in an improvement of feed efficiency and performance of dairy cattle.

The solubility test in an acidic solution with a low pH shows that compared to some competitor trace mineral sources, solubility in the abomasum is higher, which will result in an improved absorption of trace metal ions in the duodenum and jejunum of dairy cattle. This is one of the possible explanations for the difference in relative bioavailability7,8,9,10 between Selko IntelliBond hydroxy chloride trace minerals and alternative sources of trace mineral used in cattle mineral suplements. This further explains the difference in performance of dairy cattle fed cattle mineral supplements containing different sources of trace mineral.

References about the impact of solubility and reactivity of trace mineral sources in the GI tract of ruminants on health and performance of dairy cattle

  1. Caramalac, L. S., A. Saran Netto, P. G. M. A. Martins, P. Moriel, J. Ranches, H. J. Fernandes, and J. D. Arthington (2017). Effects of hydroxychloride sources of copper, zinc, and manganese on measures of supplement intake, mineral status, and pre- and post- weaning performance of beef calves. J. Anim. Sci. 95:1739-1750.
  2. Sarwar, Z, Adeoti, T, Marinho, M.N, Rasia, J, Oliveira, L.R.S, Simões, B.S, Perdomo, M.C, Griswold, K. and J. E. P. Santos. (2024). Effects of source of trace minerals on health and survival of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci: 107, Suppl. 1, 353.
  3. Adeoti, T, Sarwar, Z, Marinho, M.N, Rasia, J, Oliveira, L.R.S, Simões, B.S, Perdomo, M.C, Griswold, K. and J. E. P. Santos. (2024). Effects of source of trace minerals on production performance in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci: 107, Suppl. 1, 242.
  4. Guimaraes, O, Jalali, S, Wagner, T, Spears, J and T. Engle (2019). The influence of trace mineral source on fiber digestion, rumen fermentation characteristics, and mineral solubility in beef cattle fed a low-quality forage diet. J. An. Science. 97, Issue Supp. 3: 167.
  5. Guimares, O., Wagner, J.J, Spears, J.W, Brandao, V.L.N. and T. E. Engle (2022). Trace mineral source influences copper, zinc, and manganese distribution in steers fed a diet suitable for lactating cows. Animals. 16:1-9.
  6. Ibraheem, M, Kvidera, S. and B. Bradford (2021). Meta-analysis to determine the impact of trace mineral source on nutrient digestibility in dairy and beef animals. J. Dairy Sci. 104: 97.
  7. Spears, J. W., Kegley, E.B. and L. A. Mullis (2004). Bioavailability of copper from tribasic copper chloride and copper sulfate in growing cattle. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 116:1-13.
  8. Van Valin, K. R., Genther-Schroeder, O.N, Laudert, S.B. and S.L. Hansen (2019). Relative bioavailability of organic and hydroxy copper sources in growing steers fed a high antagonist diet. J. Anim. Sci. 97:1375-1383.
  9. Shaeffer, G. L., Lloyd, K.E. and J. W. Spears (2017). Bioavailability of zinc hydroxychloride relative to zinc sulfate in growing cattle fed a corn-cottonseed hull-based diet. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 232:1-5.
  10. Caldera, C.E, Weigel, B, Kucharczyk, V.N, Sellins, K.S, Archibeque, S.L, Wagner, J.J, Han, H, Spears, J.B. and T.E. Engle (2019). Trace mineral source influences ruminal distribution of copper and zinc and their binding strength to ruminal digesta. J. Anim. Sci., 97:1852-1864.
  11. Peterson, C.B, Boerboom, G.M, Heldt, J.S, Griswold, K.E. and J. Johnston (2024), Combined mineral (copper, zinc and manganese) effects on 48-hour in vitro fermentation and CH4 production. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 107, Suppl. 1: 340, abstract 2455.
  12. Brandao, V, McCarthy, M, Heldt, J, Sriperm, N. And J. Johnston (2021). Source of copper, manganese, and zinc affect 48-h in vitro fermentation. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 104, Suppl. 1: 325, abstract P451.

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For every trace mineral, there is an optimum

Trace mineral nutrition in dairy cattle is an essential component of any Healthy Life program given its involvement in hundreds of physiological processes involving basic maintenance, reproduction, immune competency, milk production, growth, and structural integrity. Our recommendations related to trace mineral nutrition of dairy cows are designed to ensure that your cows are receiving the correct level and source of trace minerals to drive optimized profitability and cow well-being throughout their entire lifetime.

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