Ensure beef calves have access to high-quality forage or pasture post-weaning to support their nutritional needs. Avoid powdery feed sources that will result in dust irritating eyes leading to rubbing and scratching.
Provide supplements for beef calves or starter feeds rich in protein and energy to promote growth and development in the period around weaning. Trials2,3 have shown that the trace mineral source used in a calf starter for beef calves has an impact on palatability and intake. Calf starters with Selko IntelliBond as trace mineral source are more palatable, leading to a higher intake and better growth as compared to calf starters for beef calves containing sulphate trace minerals (see Figure 2).
Figure 2, Bodyweight gain of calves during the post weaning period of 16 days, one group of calves was fed hydroxy trace minerals, the other group was fed sulfates
The trials also demonstrated that calves with a higher mineral intake had lower cortisol levels and higher plasma ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin levels, indicators of a faster post-weaning recovery (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Cortisol levels, and plasma ceruloplasmin and plasma haptoglobin levels in calves during the first 16 days after weaning, one group of calves was supplemented with trace minerals and compared to a group of calves not supplemented.
Managing the environment at the time of weaning beef calves
Ensure weaning pens are clean, dry, and spacious to reduce the risk of disease and weaning stress of beef calves. Ensure the water supply is adequate, beef calves should have constant access to clean, fresh water.
Monitoring the weaning process of beef calves
Carry out regular health checks on the calves in the period immediately after weaning. Look for signs of illness, weight loss, or behavioral changes. Allow weaned calves to socialize gradually to reduce stress and aggression. Calves with dry, coarse coats, so-called 'woody calves' did almost certainly not receive enough milk from their mothers and will require high quality feed after weaning.