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Unlocking optimal growth performance and feed efficiency of grazing beef

The pursuit of optimal average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE) is a necessity to be successful with grazing beef cattle on pasture. These metrics indicate how well a grazing operation for beef cattle, transforms the raw potential of pasture into tangible, measurable productivity. Yet, achieving and sustaining high ADG and FE in beef cattle is no simple task. It requires a nuanced understanding of animal nutrition, pasture management, and the myriad challenges that come with raising beef cattle in a dynamic, often unpredictable environment.

Managing average daily gain and feed efficiency of grazing beef cattle

Average daily gain and feed efficiency are more than just numbers; they are indicators of a well-run beef cattle operation. ADG measures how much weight an animal gains each day, a direct reflection of the effectiveness of the feeding strategy and beef herd management practices. FE, on the other hand, quantifies how effectively beef cattle convert feed into body mass. High feed efficiency of beef cattle means that less feed is required to produce a pound of gain, translating to lower feed costs and higher profitability. of a grazing beef operation

Achieving optimal ADG and FE is crucial because it impacts the bottom line of a beef cattle operation. Faster growth rates reduce the time cattle spend on feed, decreasing costs and increasing turnover. Efficient feed conversion means that every dollar spent on feed delivers maximum return, enhancing the overall economic sustainability of the operation1.

Selko® | sharing latest scientific insights

Hydroxy trace minerals improve milk production, health & fertility

Several scientific trials have proven the effects of Selko Intellibond. Prof. Dr. Santos at the University of Florida has again shown great results of our Hydroxy Trace Mineral mixture for cows. Watch the videos from the latest webinar and discover how Hydroxy Trace Minerals like Selko Intellibond can increase colostrum production with 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) per cow per day and 1.4 kg ECM (3 lbs) per cow per day throughout the first 105 lactation days.

Cu sulphate/Zn oxide group Selko IntelliBond C and Selko IntelliBond Z group
Bodyweight Day 0, kg 348.7 350.7
Bodyweight Day 30, kg 362.9 364.3
Bodyweight Day 60, kg 364.1 368.9
Bodyweight Day 90, kg 392.0 397.1
ADG (day 0-30), kg/day 0.440 0.485
ADG (day 30-60), kg/day 0.038 0.149
ADG (day 60-90), kg/day 0.962 0.971
ADG, entire period 0.469 0.506

Table 1: Bodyweight and Average Daily Gain (ADG) of two groups of 60 male Nellore bulls. One group was fed a supplement containing copper sulphate and zinc oxide, the other group was fed a supplement containing Selko IntelliBond C and Selko IntelliBond Z. Forage quality increased dramatically in the period between 30 and 60 days due to the change from the dry into the rainy season..

Optimizing average daily weight gain and feed efficiency of grazing beef cattle

Farmers face a host of challenges in their quest for optimal ADG and FE. Pasture quality can be highly variable, influenced by soil fertility, weather patterns, and forage species. Seasonal changes further complicate the picture, with forage quality and availability fluctuating dramatically between the lush growth in one season and the sparse, dry conditions in the other. Effective pasture management, including maintaining correct forage allowance throughout the year, timely fertilization, and managing the transition of grazing beef cattle from the dry to the rainy season is essential to overcoming these challenges. Trials2,3 have shown that feeding Selko IntelliBoind trace minerals to grazing beef cattle will make the transition from the dry season to the rainy season easier (see Table 1).

Parasites and diseases are another constant threat. Internal parasites can significantly reduce feed efficiency and growth rates of grazing beef cattle by diverting nutrients away from growth and towards the parasite load. Additionally, diseases, in special gastrointestinal and respiratory, can have devastating effects on ADG of beef cattle, particularly in younger and more vulnerable animals. For this reason, maintaining a well-established and diligently followed sanitary and vaccination calendar is crucial for effective disease control in beef herds.

Figure 1: Relation between growth of ryegrass and time after grazing beef cattle on the pasture. Beef cattle should be moved onto pasture once the majority of the stems have 2 or 3 leaves.

Pasture management and supplementation strategies for grazing beef cattle

Effective pasture management is crucial for reaching an optimal ADG and FE of grazing beef cattle. Efficient grazing practices of beef cattle ensure a consistent supply of high-quality forage, preventing overgrazing and promoting healthy root systems that can better withstand drought and disease4. Maintaining the correct forage allowance throughout the year is crucial. This involves managing the timing and intensity of grazing to match the growth stages of forage plants, ensuring that beef cattle always have access to sufficient, high-quality pasture.

Most grasses have growing points close to ground level, which quickly respond to defoliation. Ryegrass for example has three live leaves on every individual plant (see Figure 1). The first and oldest leaf will die once the fourth leaf starts to grow, Rotational grazing systems for beef cattle aim at making the most of the grass that grows. Preventing plants getting to the fourth-leaf stage that will die, reduces wastage and the build-up of unproductive dead leaves at the base of the sward5.

Rotational grazing systems should be planned as follows5:

  • Move grazing beef cattle onto the pasture once the grass is at the right growth stage.
  • Leave the cattle on the pasture for the number of days required to graze the grass down to the correct post-grazing height.
  • Move the grazing beef cattle back on the pasture once the grass has grown back to 2.5 to 3 new leaves.

Fertilization plays a key role in sustaining pasture productivity, especially in nutrient-depleted soils. Adjusting fertilization practices based on soil tests and forage requirements of grazing beef cattle helps optimize forage growth and quality.

Not only the pasture, but supplementation of grazing beef cattle is another key strategy. While pasture provides the bulk of nutrients, strategic supplementation can fill gaps in the diet, particularly during periods of low forage quality. Protein supplements, energy-dense feeds, and mineral blocks can all enhance growth rates and feed efficiency of grazing beef cattle. Additionally, feed supplementation allows the usage of technologies, such as feed additives that can improve rumen function hindgut health, increasing ADG and FE of beef cattle during critical periods.

Figure 2: Nutrient digestibility percentage of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and CP in beef cattle fed a grass based diet, supplemented with sulphates or with Selko IntelliBond for beef cattle.

Figure 3: Average Daily Gain in female beef cattle fed Selko LactiBute compared to controls in the same diet

Figure 4:Average Daily Gain in male beef cattle fed Selko LactiBute compared to controls on the same diet.

Precision nutrition of grazing beef cattle and quality of beef cattle supplement

Nutrition is the foundation of any successful grazing beef cattle operation. Ensuring that beef cattle receive a diet as balanced as possible that meets their energy, protein, and mineral needs is essential for maximizing ADG and FE. This involves not only providing high-quality forage but also ensuring that the diet for beef on pasture is balanced with appropriate supplements for beef cattle.

Trace minerals are vital for numerous physiological functions of beef cattle, including immune response, reproduction, and growth. Using high-quality trace mineral sources for beef cattle ensures better bioavailability, supporting overall health and performance. Selko IntelliBond hydroxy trace minerals for beef cattle for example, offer improved stability in supplements and in the rumen, maximizing dry matter and fibre digestibility, increasing availability for absorption compared to inorganic and many organic forms, enhancing both nutrient availability and nutrient utilization. Trials in grass fed beef cattle2,6. have shown that this results in an improvement of digestibility of the feed and an optimal ADG and FA for beef cattle (see Figure 2)

Selko Intellibond is the first line of hydroxy trace minerals designed for use in animal feeds. Selko IntelliBond serves as an effective source of copper, zinc, and manganese for beef cattle in pasture based systems. The low solubility of Selko IntelliBond at neutral pH minimizes interaction in the feed and upper gastrointestinal tract, ensuring more metal availability where it’s needed most.

In addition to trace minerals, incorporating prebiotics, probiotics, phytogenics and other rumen modifiers into feed supplementation strategies for beef cattle can significantly impact ADG and FE. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health and nutrient absorption in beef cattle. Prebiotics, are non-digestible food components that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Together, these additives help maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, enhancing digestion, and improving feed efficiency of beef cattle.

Selko lactibute is a patented prebiotic for beef and dairy cattle, developed to enhance health and performance of grazing beef cattle. It contains calcium gluconate encapsulated in a matrix, promoting the conversion of lactic acid to butyrate in the hindgut of cattle. Maintaining the right balance of lactic acid and butyrate in the large intestine reduces the risk of "leaky gut" and systemic inflammation. As a result, reducing systemic inflammation, the immune system will be less activated, making more nutrient available for growth, supporting higher productivity levels7. Selko LactiBute reduces starch levels in feces9, improves fecal pH9, increases the level of volatile fatty acids in the hindgut8 and increases average daily gain in beef cattle by up to 100 grams per day9,10 (see Figures 3 and 4).

New tools to improve performance of grazing beef cattle

The future for grazing beef management lies in innovation and technology. Precision agriculture tools for beef farmers, such as GPS tracking and remote sensing, allow for monitoring pasture conditions and cattle movements in real-time, optimizing grazing patterns of beef cattle and improving feed efficiency. Automated feeding systems for beef cattle can ensure consistent delivery of supplements, reducing variability and ensuring that all animals receive their fair share of supplements for beef cattle.

Research into new feed additives and nutritional strategies for beef cattle continues to advance our understanding of how to maximize ADG and FE. For example, the use of probiotics and prebiotics to support gut health of beef cattle and improve nutrient absorption is a promising area of study. These feed additives for grazing beef cattle on pasture can enhance feed efficiency by promoting a healthy microbial balance in the rumen, and by improving hindgut health, digestion and nutrient utilization of beef cattle11.

Phytogenics for beef cattle, plant-based additives, are also gaining attention for their ability to reduce systemic inflammation, improve feed intake, nutrient utilization and immunity, making beef cattle more healthy12.


In the world of beef production, mastering average daily gain and feed efficiency is both an art and a science. It requires a deep understanding of beef cattle nutrition, pasture management of grazing beef cattle, and the challenges inherent in a grazing system. By embracing best practices for managing beef cattle on pasture and staying at the forefront of innovation, farmers can unlock the full potential of their beef farming operations, driving productivity and profitability to new heights.

The journey is complex, but the rewards are immense. By focusing on the details—managing pasture quality, ensuring balanced nutrition, controlling parasites, and leveraging technology—farmers can transform their grazing systems into models of efficiency and success. It's about more than just raising cattle; it's about creating a sustainable, thriving ecosystem where every element works in harmony to achieve optimal growth and feed efficiency of grazing beef cattle.

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Selko LactiBute, Feeding beef to maximise efficiency

Improving feed efficiency and performance is a crucial goal for all beef producers. With rising costs and growing pressure to achieve more with less, finding effective solutions is more important than ever. Enhancing gut health has emerged as a key strategy for significantly improving diet utilization. Although historically overlooked, recent research reveals that targeted supplementation at the hindgut level with DSelko LactiBute can yield remarkable results. To discover how you can make substantial gains in your beef production, download our comprehensive brochure today!

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Navigating the daily operations of dairy and beef farming is challenging, and the transition towards sustainable practices raises numerous questions.

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  1. Parish, J. (2013). Putting Average Daily Gain in Context. Beef Production Strategies. Mississippi State University.

  2. Cidrini, I. A., J. F. Lage, I. Ferreira, K. Oliveira, L. F. Prados, G. R. Siqueira, and F. D. Resende (2020). Trace minerals source influences the performance of Nellore cattle in the growing phase during the transition between dry to rainy season in Brazil. J. Anim. Sci. 98 (Suppl. 4):445-446.

  3. Cidrini, I.A, Ferreira, E.M, Brito De Araujo, D, Siqueira, G.R. and F.D. Resende (2023). The impact of trace mineral sources of copper and zinc on performance and ruminal bacteria diversity, Proceedings of the EAAP – 74th Annual Meeting, Lyon, France, 2023 716.

  4. Teague, W. R., Dowhower, S. L., Baker, S. A., Haile, N., DeLaune, P. B., & Conover, D. M. (2013). Grazing management impacts on vegetation, soil biota, and soil chemical, physical and hydrological properties in tall grass prairie. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 141(3-4), 310-322.

  5. Genever, L. and S. Buckingham (2018). PLanning grazing strategies for Better Returns. Agriculture and Hortculture Development board, http://beefandlamb.ahdb.org.uk

  6. Van Kuijk, S., Swiegers, P. & Han, Y. (2022). Hydroxychloride trace minerals improve apparent total tract nutrient digestibility in Bonsmara beef cattle. Livestock Science, 256, 104820.

  7. Sanz-Fernandez, M.V, Daniel, J, Seymour, D.J, Kvidera, S.K, Bester, Z, Doelman, J. and J. Martín-Tereso (2020). Targeting the Hindgut to Improve Health and Performance in Cattle, Animals, 10: 1817.

  8. Osman Y. Koyun, Evann E. Rowland, Jeferson M. Lourenco, Joseph J. Baloyi, Francis L. Fluharty, T. D. Pringle, A. M. Stelzleni, R. Lawton Stewart, M. McCarthy, S. Fry, K. E. Griswold, and Todd R. Callaway (2022). Impact of calcium gluconate feeding on intestinal MICROBIAL populations in a growing steer model, Uni. Georgia, Osman.Y, PhD Thesis.

  9. Santos, A, Bergman, J.G.H.E, Manzano J.A. and M. Hall (2023) Rumen protected potassium gluconate increases average daily gain of beef, Proc. Of the 74th EAAP Congress, Lyon, August 26-September 1, 562.

  10. Rossi, C.S. (2024). Effect of the administration of a protected source of calcium gluconate on growth, feed efficiency, nutrient digestibility, and health in beef cattle, Proceedings of the ASAS, Calgary, July 22-25, 2024.

  11. Krehbiel, C. R., Rust, S. R., Zhang, G., & Gilliland, S. E. (2003). Bacterial direct-fed microbials in ruminant diets: Performance response and mode of action. Journal of Animal Science, 81(14_suppl_2), E120-E132.

  12. Jardon, G.H, Kovarna, M, Moening, K, Brandner, A, Werner, H, Heldt, J.S. and A.C. Baiao Menezes (2023). 1Effects of a Phytogenic Supplement Pre and Post-Calving on Colostrum Yield and Composition, and Cow-Calf Performance. ,J. Anim. Sci Vol. 101, Suppl. S3 504

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