Odkazy na zdroje výskumu HealthyLife
# | Writers | Title | Publication |
1 | Wangler, A, Blum, E, Böttcher, I. and P. Sanftleben (2009). | Lebensleistung und Nutzungsdauer von Milchkühen aus der Sicht einer effizienten Milchproduktion. | Züchtungskunde 81(5):341–360 |
2 | Novaković, Z, Ostojić-Andrić, D, Pantelić, V, Beskorovajn, R, Popović, N, Lazarević, M and D. Nikšić, (2014). | Lifetime production of high-yielding dairy cows. | Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 30(3):399-406 |
3 | Steele, M. A, Penner, G.B, Chaucheyras-Durand, F. and L.l. Guan (2016). | Development andphysiology of the rumen and the lower gut: Targets for improving gut health | J. Dairy Sci. 99:4955–4966 |
4 | Kvidera, S.K, Dickson, M.J, Abuajamieh, M, Snider, D.B, Sanz Fernandez, M.V, Johnson, J.S, Keating, A.F, Gorden, P.J, Green, H.B, Schoenberg, K.M. and L. H. Baumgard (2017). | Intentionally induced intestinal barrier dysfunction causes inflammation affects metabolism, and reduces productivity in lactating Holstein cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 100:4113–4127 |
5 | Plaizier, J.C, Danesh Mesgaran, M, Derakhshani, H, Golder, H, Khafipour, E, Kleen, J.L, Lean, L, Loor, J, Penner, G. and Q. Zebeli (2018). | Review: Enhancing gastrointestinal health in dairy cows. | Animal 12(2):399–418 |
6 | Sanz-Fernandez, M.V, Daniel, J, Seymour, D.J, Kvidera, S.K, Bester, Z, Doelman, J. and J. Martín-Tereso (2020) | Targeting the Hindgut to Improve Health and Performance in Cattle. | Animals 10:1817 |
7 | Sundrum, A, (2014) | Metabolic Disorders in the Transition Period Indicate thatthe Dairy Cows’ Ability to Adapt is Overstressed. | J. Dairy Sci. 5:978-1020 |
8 | Horst, E.A, Mayorga, E.J, Rodriguez-Jimenez, S, Abeyta, M.A, Goetz, B.M, Carta, S, Al-Qaisi, M, Kvidera, S.K. and L. H. Baumgard (2019). | Causes and Metabolic Consequences of Leaky Gut. | Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University. |
9 | Smith, G.L, Friggens, N. C, Ashworth, C.J. and M. G. G. Chagunda (2017). | Association between body energy content in the dry period and post-calving production disease status in dairy cattle. | Animal 11(9):590–1598 |
10 | Putman, A.K, Brown, J.L, Gandy, J.C, Wisnieski, L. and L. M. Sordillo (2018). | Changes in biomarkers of nutrient metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress in dairy cows during the transition into the early dry period. | J.Dairy Sci. 101:9350–9359 |
11 | LeBlanc, S.J. (2019). | Review: Relationships between metabolism and neutrophil function in dairy cows in the peripartum period. | Animal 14(1):44–54 |
12 | Belić, B, Cincović, M, Lakić, I, Đoković, R, Petrović, M, Ježek, J. and J. Starič (2018). | Metabolic Status of Dairy Cows Grouped by Anabolic and Catabolic Indicators of Metabolic Stress in Early Lactation. | Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 46:1607 |
13 | Gianesella, M, Perillo, L, Fiore, E, Guidice, E, Zumbo, A, Morgante, M. and G. Piccione (2018). | Transition period in healthy and diseased dairy cows: evaluation of metabolic modifications. | Large Animal Review 24:107-111 107-111 |
14 | Probo, M, Bogado Pascottini, O, LeBlanc, S, Opsomer, G. and M. Hostens (2018). | Association between metabolic diseases and the culling risk of high-yielding dairy cows in a transition management facility using survival and decision tree analysis. | J. Dairy Sci. 101:9419–9429 |
15 | Sasaki, O, Takeda, H. and A. Nishiura (2018). | Estimation of the economic value of herd-life length based on simulated changes in survival rate. | Anim Sci J. 90:323-332 |
16 | van Dixhoorn, I.D.E, de Mol, R.M, van der Werf, J.T.N, van Mourik, S. and C. G. van Reenen (2018). | Indicators of resilience during the transition period in dairy cows: A case study. | J. Dairy Sci. 101:10271–10282 |
17 | Bach, A, Terré, M. and M. Vidal (2020). | Symposium review: Decomposing efficiency of milk production and maximizing profit. | J. Dairy Sci. 103:5709–5725 |
18 | Data from the ILVOFlanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. | - | Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. |
19 | Leal, L, (2019). | Lifetime impact of early life planes of nutrition in dairy calves, Proceedings of Smart Calf Rearing Conference. | University of Guelph. Canada, November 2-5 |
20 | Römer, A, Bolt, A. and J. Harms (2020). | One calf per cow and year – not a sensible goal for high-yielding cows from either an economic or an animal welfare perspective. | J. Sustainable Organic Agric Syst 70(1):39–44 |
21 | Hanks, J. and M. Kossaibati, (2019). | Key Performance Indicators for the UK national dairy herd, A study of herd performance in 500 Holstein/Friesian herds for the year ending 31st August 2019. | Thesis University of Reading |
22 | Schultz, K. K, Bennett, T.B, Nordlund, K.V, Döpfer, D. and N. B. Cook (2016). | Exploring relationships between Dairy Herd Improvement monitors of performance and the Transition Cow Index in Wisconsin dairy herds | J. Dairy Sci. 99:7506–7516 |
23 | Young, A. (2002). | Using records to evaluate production | Utah State University |
24 | López, S, France, J, Odongo, E.D, McBride, R.A, Kebraeb, B.W, Alazahal, O, McBride, B.W. and J. Dijkstra (2015). | On the analysis of Canadian Holstein dairy cow lactation curves using standard growth functions. | J. Dairy Sci. 98:2701–2712 |
25 | Berghof, T.V.L, Poppe, M. and H. A. Mulder (2019). | Opportunities to Improve Resilience in Animal Breeding Programs. | Front. Genet. 9:692 |
26 | Fresco, L.O. and K.J. Poppe, (2016). | Towards a Common Agricultural and Food Policy. | WUR http://dx.doi.org/10.18174/390280 or www.wur.eu/economic-research |
27 | Suthar, V.S, Canelas-Raposo , J, Deniz, A. and W. Heuwieser (2013). | Prevalence of subclinical ketosis and relationships with postpartum diseases in European dairy cows | J. Dairy Sci. 96:2925–2938 |
28 | Overton, T.R, McArt, J.A.A. and D. V. Nydam (2017). | A 100-Year Review: Metabolic health indicators and management of dairy cattle. | J. Dairy Sci. 100:10398–10417 |
29 | Berghof, T.V.L, Poppe, M. and H. A. Mulder (2019). | Opportunities to Improve Resilience in Animal Breeding Programs | Front. Genet. 9:692 |
30 | Colditz, I.A. and B. C. Hine (2016). | Resilience in farm animals: biology, management, breeding and implications for animal welfare | Animal Production Science. 56:1961–1983 |
31 | Elgersma, G.G, de Jong, G, van der Linde, R. and H. A. Mulder (2018). | Fluctuations in milk yield are heritable and can be used as a resilience indicator to breed healthy cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 101:1240–1250 |
32 | De Vries, A, (2013). | Cow longevity economics: The cost benefit of keeping the cow in the herd, Proceedings of the Cow longevity conference | Hamra farm. Sweden, August |
33 | De Vries, A. | - | personal communication |
34 | Lin, Y, Sun, X, Hou, X, Qu, B, Gao, X and Q. (2016). | Effects of glucose on lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells from dairy cow. | BMC Veterinary Research 12:81, 1-11 |
35 | Reinhardt, T.A, Lippolis, J.D, McCluskey, B.J, Goff, J,P. and R.. L. Horst (2011). | Prevalence of subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy herds. | Vet. J 188:122–124 |
36 | Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh, N, and M. Ardalan (2011). | Cow-specific risk factors for retained placenta, metritis and clinical mastitis in Holstein cows. | Vet Res Commun. 35:345–354 |
37 | Esposito, G, Irons, P.C, Webb, E.C. and A. Chapwanya (2014). | Interactions between negative energy balance, metabolic diseases, uterine health and immune response in transition dairy cows. | Anim. Reprod. Sci. 30:144(3-4):60-71 |
38 | Goff, J.P. (2012). | Periparturient Immune Suppression: Causes and Effects in the Cow. | Proceedings of the NAVC |
39 | Li, S, Khafipour, E, Krause, D.O, Kroeker, A, Rodriguez-Lecompte, J, Gozho, G.N. and J. C. Plaizier (2012). | Effects of subacute ruminal acidosis challenges on fermentation and endotoxins in the rumen and hindgut of dairy cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 95:294–303 |
40 | Emmanuel, D.G.V, Madsen, K.L, Churchill, T.A, Dunn, S.M. and B.N. Ametaj (2007). | Acidosis and lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli B:055 cause hyperpermeability of rumen and colon tissues. | J. Dairy Sci. 90:5552–5557 |
41 | Steele, M. A., J. Croom, M. Kahler, O. AlZahal, S. E. Hook, J. C. Plaizier, and B. W. McBride (2011). | Bovine rumen epithelium undergoes rapid structural adaptations during grain-induced subacute ruminal acidosis. | Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 1515–1523 |
42 | Faulkner, M.J. and W.P. Weiss (2017). | Effect of source of trace minerals in either forage- or by-product-based diets fed to dairy cows: 1. Production and macronutrient digestibility. | J. Dairy Sci. 100:5358-53-67 |
43 | Watanabe, D.H.M, Doelman, J, Steele, M.A, Guan, L. and G. B. Penner (2020). | Evaluating the effect of Ca-gluconate and Ca-butyrate on SCFA absorption and permeability of the gastrointestinal tract. | J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 97, Suppl. S3. |
44 | McKnight, L.L, Doelman, J, Carson, M, Waterman, D.F. and J. A. Metcalf (2018). | Feeding and postruminal infusion of calcium gluconate to lactating dairy cows. | Can. J. Anim. Sci. |
55 | Doelman, J, McKnight, L.L, Carson, M, Nichols, K, Waterman, D.F. and J. A. Metcalf (2019). | Post-ruminal infusion of calcium gluconate increases milk fat production and alters fecal volatile fatty acid profile in lactating dairy cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 102:1274–1280 |
46 | Watanabe, D.H.M, Doelman, J, Steele, M.A, and G. B. Penner (2018). | Effect of rumen protected Ca-gluconate on the performance, gastrointestinal tract development, digesta composition and total tract digestibility of lambs. | J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 96, Suppl. S3. |
47 | Watanabe, D.H.M, Doelman, J. and G. B. Penner (2020). | The effect of intestinal Ca-gluconate and Ca-butyrate on ruminal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) absorption and SCFA concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract of heifers. | WDCS conference. March 10-13 |
48 | Seymour, D, J, Daniel, J.B, Martín-Tereso, J. and J. Doelman (2020). | Effect of fat-embedded calcium gluconate on lactation performance and metabolism in dairy cattle. | J. Dairy Sci. 103, S1 |
49 | Seymour, D.J, Carson, M, Daniel, J.B, Sanz, M.V, Martín-Tereso, J. and J. Doelman (2020). | Effect of fat-embedded calcium gluconate on lactation performance in high-yielding multiparous dairy cows in a commercial dairy setting. | ASAS conference. July 19-23 |
50 | Seymour, D.J, Daniel, J.B, Sanz, M.V, Martín-Tereso, J. and J. Doelman (2020). | Efficacy of fat-embedded calcium gluconate on lactation performance in dairy cattle. | ASAS conference. July 19-23 |
51 | Duffield, T. (2002). | Impact, Prevention, and Monitoring of Subclinical Ketosis in Transition Dairy Cows. | Proc. Minn. Dairy Health Confa |
52 | Oetzel, G.R. (2001). | Herd-Based Biological Testing for Metabolic Disorders. | Proc. Amer. Assoc. Bovine Pract. Conf. |
53 | Sjaunja,L.O, Baevre, L, Junkkarinen, L, Pedersen, J. and J. Setälä (1990). | ) A Nordic proposal for an energy corrected milk (ECM) formula. | Proc. 27th biennial session of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR). Paris, France. Pudoc, Wageningen, the Netherlands: 156-157. |
54 | Hulsen, J, Aerden, D. and J. Rodenburg. (2014) | Feeding Signals, a practical guide for feeding dairy cows for health and production. | Roodbont Publishers B.V. |
55 | Sova, A. D., S. J. LeBlanc, B. W. McBride, and T. J. DeVries. (2013). | Associations between herd-level feeding management practices, feed sorting, and milk production in freestall dairy farms. | J. Dairy Sci. 96:4759–4770 |
56 | Krawczel, P. and R. Grant. (2009). | Effects of cow comfort on milk quality, productivity and behavior. | NMC Annual Meeting Proceedings. 15–24 |
57 | Koch, L.E. and G.J. Lascano. (2018). | Milk Fat Depression: Etiology, Theories, and Soluble Carbohydrate Interactions. | J Anim Res Nutr 3. |
58 | Drackley, J. K. and Cardoso F.C.(2014). | Prepartum and postpartum nutritional management to optimize fertility in high-yielding dairy cows in confined TMR. | Animal. 8(s1):5–14 |
59 | Weigel, B, Kucharczyk, V.N, Sellins, K, Caldera, E, Wagner, J.J, Spears, J.W, Archibeque S.L, Fry, R. S, Laudert, S.B. and T. E. Engle (2017). | Influence of trace mineral source on copper, manganese, and zinc rumen solubility and release from the insoluble portion of rumen digesta following a bolus dose of trace minerals in cattle. | J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100 E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr). |
60 | Spears, W, Kegley, E.B. and L.A. Mullis (2004). | ) Bioavailability of copper from tribasic copper chloride and copper sulfate in growing cattle | Animal Feed Science and Technology. 116:1–13 |
61 | Shaeffer, G.L, Lloyd, K.E, and J.W. Spears (2017). | Bioavailability of zinc hydroxychloride relative to zinc sulfate in growing cattle fed a corn-cottonseed hull-based diet. | Animal Feed Science and Technology. 232 (2017) 1–5 |
62 | Caldera, E, Weigel, B, Kucharczyk, V.N, Sellins, K.S, Archibeque, S.L, Wagner, J.J, Han, H, Spears, J.W. and T. E. Engle (2019). | Trace mineral source influences ruminal distribution of copper and zinc and their binding strength to ruminal digesta. | J. Anim. Sci. 1852-1864. |
63 | Wilms, J, Wang, G, Doelman, J, Jacobs, M. and J. Martín-Tereso (2018). | Intravenous calcium supplementation at calving induces fluctuations in circulating calcium and hypocalcemia when compared to voluntary oral calcium supplementation. | Proceedings of the World Buiatrics Congress. August 28-September 1, 2018, Saporro, Japan. |
64 | Fowers, R, Navarro-Villa, A. and J. Martín-Tereso (2015). | Effects on general health, energy status and calcium metabolism of a suspension of glucogenic precursors, vitamins and minerals supplemented to dairy cows immediately after calving Abstract. | 8th International conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology. Billund, Denmark. |
65 | Kuijk, S. van, Klop, A, Goselink, R, and Y. Han (2019). | Comparison of a voluntary calcium drink to a calcium bolus administered to dairy cows after calving. | EEAP congress. Ghent, Belgium |
66 | Polsky, L. and M.A.G. von Keyserlingk (2017). | Effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare. | J. Dairy Sci. 100:8645–8657. |
67 | Wolfenson, D, and Z. Roth (2019). | Impact of heat stress on cow reproduction and fertility. | Animal Frontiers 9.1:32-38. genology |
68 | De Rensis, D, and R.J. Scaramuzzi (2003). | Heat stress and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow--a review | Theriogonolgy. 60(6):1139-51. |
69 | Koch, F, Thom, U, Albrecht, E, Weikard, R, Nolte, W, Kuhla, B and C. Kuehn (2019). | Heat stress directly impairs gut integrity and recruits distinct immune cell populations into the bovine intestine | PNAS 116(21): 10333-10338. Invited review: Effects of heat stress on dairy cattle welfare. |
70 | West, J.W, (2003). | Effects of Heat-Stress on Production in Dairy Cattle. | J. Dairy Sci. 86:2131–2144. |
71 | Sanchez, W.K. and M.A. Mcguire (1994). | Macromineral Nutrition by Heat Stress Interactions in Dairy Cattle | J. Dairy Sci. 77(7):2051-79. |
72 | Bernabucci U., S. Biffani, L. Buggiotti, A. Vitali, N. Lacetera, A. Nardone (2014) | The effects of heat stress in Italian Holstein dairy cattle. | J Dairy Sci 97: 471–486. |
73 | Dikmen S., P. J. Hansen (2009). | is the temperature-humidity index the best indicator of heat stress in lactating dairy cows in a subtropical environment? | J Dairy Sci. 92: 109–116 |
74 | Hammami H., J. Bormann, N. M’hamdi, H.H. Montaldo, N. Gengler. (2013) | Evaluation of heat stress effects on production traits and somatic cell score of Holsteins in a temperate environment. | J Dairy Sci. 96: 1844–1855. |
75 | Allen J.D., L.W. Hall, R.J. Collier, J.F. Smith (2015) | Effect of core body temperature, time of day, and climate conditions on behavioural patterns of lactating dairy cows experiencing mild to moderate heat stress. | J Dairy Sci 98: 118–127. |
76 | Vitali A, Segnalini M, Bertocchi L, Bernabucci U, Nardone A, Lacetera N. (2009). | Seasonal pattern of mortality and relationships between mortality and temperature-humidity index in dairy cows. | J Dairy Sci. 92: 3781-3790. |
77 | Murphy M.R., C.L. Davis, G.C. McCoy (1983). | Factors Affecting Water Consumption by Holstein Cows in Early Lactation. | J. Dairy Sci. 66: 35–38. |
78 | Gorniak, T, Meyer, U, Südekum, K, and S. Dänicke (2014), | Impact of mild heat stress on dry matter intake, milk yield and milk composition in mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows in a temperate climate. | Arch. Anim Nutr. 68(5):358-69. |
79 | Thompson I.M., A P Alves Monteiro, G E Dahl, S Tao, B M Ahmed (2014). | Impact of dry period heat stress on milk yield, reproductive performance and health of dairy cows. | ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Joint Annual Meeting Kansas, USA. |
80 | Chamberlain, T (2015). | The effect of heat stress on milking dairy cows in Britain. | Society of Feed technologists, 1-10. |
81 | Horst, E.A, Kvidera, S.K, and L. H. Baumgard (2021). | The influence of immune activation on transition cow health and performance—A critical evaluation of traditional dogmas. | J. Dairy Sci. 104:8. |
82 | Ribeiro, E.S, Gomes, G, Greco, L.F, Cerri, R.L.A, Vieira-Neto, A, Monteiro Jr., P.L.T, Lima, F.S, Bisinotto, R.S, Thatcher, W.W, and J. E. P. Santos (2016). | Carryover effect of postpartum inflammatory diseases on developmental biology and fertility in lactating dairy cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 99:2201–2220. |
83 | Trevisi, E., Zecconi, A., Bertoni, G, and R. Piccinini, (2010). | Blood and milk immune and inflammatory responses in periparturient dairy cows showing a different liver activity index. | J. Dairy Res. 77: 310-317. |
84 | Omar, S.S, (2016). | Aflatoxin M1 Levels in Raw Milk, Pasteurised Milk and Infant Formula. | Ital. J. Food. Saf, 5(3): 5788. |
85 | Robinson, P.A, (2020). | "They've got to be testing and doing something about it": Farmer and veterinarian views on drivers for Johne’s disease control in dairy herds in England. | Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 182, article 105094. |
86 | Harm, J, (2008). | Betriebswirtschaftliche Betrachtungen zur Lebensleistung und Nutzdauer von Milkküin Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. | Mitteilungen der Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei MV, Heft 40, ISSN 1618-7938, 89-102. |
87 | Bradley, A.J, De Vliegher, S, Green, M.J, Larrosa, P, Payne, B, Schmitt van de Leemput, E, Samson, O, Valckenier, D, van Werven, T, Waldeck, H.W.F, White, V. and L. Goby (2015). | An investigation of the dynamics of intramammary infections acquired during the dry period on European dairy farms. | MJ. Dairy Sci. 98:6029–6047. |
88 | Goff, J.P. (2008) | Transition Cow Immune Function and Interaction with Metabolic Diseases. | Proceedings of the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, April 22-23. |
89 | Kehrli, M.E, Nonnecke, B.J. and J.A. Roth (1989). | Alterations in bovine neutrophil function during the periparturient period. | Am. J. Vet. Res. 50:207-215. |
90 | Kehrli, M.E, Nonnecke, B.J. and J.A. Roth (1989) | Alterations in bovine lymphocyte function during the periparturient period. | Am. J. Vet. Res. 50:215-221. |
91 | Green, M.J, Green, L.E, Medley, G.F, Schukken, Y.H, and A.J. Bradley (2002). | Influence of dry period bacterial intramammary infection on clinical mastitis in dairy cows. | J Dairy Sci. 85(10):2589-99. |
92 | Rajala-Schultz, P.J, Hogan, J.S and K.L. Smith (2005). | Short communication: Association between milk yield at dry-off and probability of intramammary infections at calving | J. Dairy Sci., 88, pp. 577-579. |
93 | Odensten, M.O, Berglund, B, Persson-Waller, K, and K. Holtenius (2007). | Metabolism and Udder Health at Dry-Off in Cows of Different Breeds and Production Levels. | J. Dairy Sci. 90:1417–1428 |
94 | De Prado-Taranilla, A.I, Holstege, M.M.C, Bertocchi, L, Appiani, A, Becvar, O, Davidek, J, Bay, D, Jimenez, L.M, Roger, N, Krömker, V, Paduch, J.H, Piepers, S, Wuytack, A, Veenkamp, A, van Werven, T, Dalez, B, Le Page, P, Schukken, Y.H, and G.J.Velthuis (2020). | Incidence of milk leakage after dry-off in European dairy herds, related risk factors, and its role in new intramammary infections. | J.Dairy Sci. 103, 10: 9224-9237. |
95 | Klaas, I.C, Enevoldsen, C, Ersbøll, A.K. and U. Tölle (2005). | Cow-related risk factors for milk leakage. | J. Dairy Sci, 88:128-136. |
96 | Ribeiro, E.S, Gomes, G, Greco, L.F, R. Cerri, L.A, Vieira-Neto, A, Monteiro Jr., P.L.J, Lima, F.S, . Bisinotto, R.S, Thatcher, W.W. and J. E. P. Santos (2016). | Carryover effect of postpartum inflammatory diseases on developmental biology and fertility in lactating dairy cows. | J. Dairy Sci. 99:2201–2220. |
97 | Bertulat, S, Fischer-Tenhagen, C, Suthar, V, Möstl, E. Isaka, N, and W. Heuwieser (2013). | Measurement of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites and evaluation of udder characteristics to estimate stress after sudden dry-off in dairy cows with different milk yields. | J. Dairy Sci. 96(6):3774-87. |
98 | Gott, P.N, Rajala-Schultz, P.J, Schuenemann,G.M, Proudfoot, K.L, and J. S. Hogan (2016). | Intramammary infections and milk leakage following gradual or abrupt cessation of milking. | J. Dairy Sci. 99:4005–4017. |
99 | Stelwagen, K, Phy , C.V.C, Davis, S.R, Guinard-Flament, J, Pomiès, D, Roche, J.R, and J. K. Kay (2013). | Invited review: reduced milking frequency: milk production and management implications. | J. Dairy Sci. 96 :3401–3413. |
100 | Zobel, G, Leslie, K, Weary, D.M, and M. A. G. von Keyserlingk (2013). | Gradual cessation of milking reduces milk leakage and motivation to be milked in dairy cows at dry-off. | J. Dairy Sci. 96 :5064–5071. |
101 | Trevisi, E, (2021), | Virtual Global Dairy Talks Conference, April 21-23. | |
102 | Ibraheem and Bradford, | Michigan State University 2020, personal communication. | |
103 | Oba, M. and M.S. Allen (1999), | Evaluation of the Importance of the Digestibility of Neutral Detergent Fiber from Forage: Effects on Dry Matter Intake and Milk Yield of Dairy Cows. J. | Dairy Sci., 99:589-596. |
104 | Garry, F.K, Bernie, D.J, Davie, J.C.S, and E. C.D. Pop (2021), | Future climate risk to UK agriculture from compound events. | Climate Risk Management 32: 100282. |
105 | Faulkner, M.J. and W.P. Weiss (2017). | Effect of source of trace minerals in either forage- or by-product-based diets fed to dairy cows: 1. Production and macronutrient digestibility. | Journal of Dairy Science 100:5358-53-67. |
106 | Horst, E.A., Mayorga, E.J, Al-Qaisi, M, Rodriguez-Jimenez, S, Goetz, B.M, Abeyta, A.M, Gorden, P.J, Kvidera, S.K. and L.H. Baumgard (2020). | Evaluating effects of zinc hydroxychloride on biomarkers of inflammation and intestinal integrity during feed restriction. | J. Dairy Sci. J. Dairy Sci. 103:11911-11929. |
107 | Habeeb, A.A, Gad, A.E, and M. A, Atta (2018). | Temperature-Humidity Indices as Indicators to Heat Stress of Climatic Conditions with Relation to Production and Reproduction of Farm Animals. | International Journal of Biotechnology and Recent Advances. 1(1): 35-50. |
108 | Whitlow, L. and W. Hagler (2005). | Mycotoxins in Dairy Cattle: Occurrence, Toxicity, Prevention and Treatment Proc. | Southwest Nutr. Conf. 124–138. |
109 | Fink-Gremmels, J. 2008. | Mycotoxins in cattle feeds and carry-over to dairy milk: A review. | Food Addit. Contam. Part A Chem. Anal. Control Expo. Risk Assess. 25:172–180. |
110 | Kemboi, D.C, Antonissen, G, Ochieng, P.E, Croubels, C, Okoth, S, Kangethe, E.K, Faas, J, Lindahl, J.F, and J. K. Gathumbi (2020). | A Review of the Impact of Mycotoxins on Dairy Cattle Health: Challenges for Food Safety and Dairy Production in Sub-Saharan Africa. | Toxins 2020, 12, 222. |
111 | Kendall N.R, Holmes-Pavord, H.R, Bone, P.A, Ander, E.L. and S.D. Young (2015). | Liver copper concentrations in cull cattle in the UK: are cattle being copper loaded? | Vet. Rec, 177:493. |
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